
The weird sisters bagpipe player
The weird sisters bagpipe player

the weird sisters bagpipe player

This is awesome because gold is SO his color. Chief among their interests is career counseling, evidenced by telling Macbeth that they have prophesized that he seems destined to wear a crown. They are here to terrify people and chew bubblegum, and they are all out of bubblegum.

the weird sisters bagpipe player

They are not here for small talk, thanks. Shakespeare wrote these weird sisters as profoundly, refreshingly powerful. For all the forwardness and enlightenment that was the Elizabethan age, women were still regulated to very specific roles, and didn’t get many chances to be in charge of their own destinies. I realize all the death and mangling is supposed to turn me off but I love them so much. If you won’t share your snacks with them? They’ll find your husband and screw him to death. If they meet an endangered species? They’ll cut it up for spellcasting.

the weird sisters bagpipe player

They live in a cave, they dance for hours around a cauldron (see? Shakespeare even invented raves), and they probably haven’t brushed their teeth ever. What Up, Witches Can we talk about the witches? Because they make me fangirl HARD. It’s a big pile of kilt-wearing spooky greatness. (The first draft had a Loch Ness Monster subplot. Also trees come to life and ambush people. Shakespeare illustrates the failings that result from arrogance and hubris with creepy, psychic elements like bloody visions and sleepwalking. At its core, Macbeth is about how our choices and our decisions haunt us, about how consequence becomes our fate. It’s so moody and dark I’m convinced Shakespeare was in his Goth teen phase when he wrote it, hanging out in his room practicing black eyeliner application and bingelistening to Morrissey. There is something so satisfying about a great ghost story, and that’s where my love affair with this work germinates. Macbeth was written around 1606, is the shortest of Shakespeare’s tragedies, and is really, really murdery. This play has provided some of the most fundamental ways in which we communicate in the English language and it’s an amazingly long list from a relatively short work.

#The weird sisters bagpipe player full

“Double, double, toil and trouble”, “a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury” and I’ll spare you but there is much more. “Something wicked this way comes”? From Macbeth. It’s like pumpkin spice-it gets everywhere. Even if you haven’t read Macbeth, you’ve bumped into it. This story of an ambitious warrior who murders his way to the throne in ancient Scotland is ubiquitous. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA just kidding I loathe presidential election cycles. I like Macbeth so much that I automatically love anything remotely Macbeth-related, including but not limited to getting blood on my hands and/or clothing, presidential election cycles, and haggis. I’m not just saying that because I am afraid Lady MacBeth will kill me in my sleep. I’ve read a few, though, and it’s not a contest but MACBETH WINS. I could claim that I’ve read all of Shakespeare’s plays, but inevitably I would be stone cold busted by someone asking me “So what is your favorite part of Cymbeline?” and responding with “The part where the scrappy underdog rocks it in her first cymbal solo.” So, NO, Shakespeare scholars, I haven’t read them all and I’ll immediately concede everyone’s superior knowledge on the Shakespeare catalog.

The weird sisters bagpipe player